Det Dr. Starr skriver er utrolig interessant!

Fra boken/websiden hans:

"Type 2 Hypothyroidism is defined as peripheral resistance to thyroid hormones at the cellular level. It is not due to a lack of adequate thyroid hormones. Normal amounts of thyroid hormones and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) are detected by the blood tests; therefore, blood tests do not detect Type 2 hypothyroidism. Type 2 hypothyroidism is usually inherited. However, environmental toxins may also cause or exacerbate the problem. The pervasiveness of Type 2 hypothyroidism has yet to be recognized by mainstream medicine but is already in epidemic proportions."

"This is an astonishing book revealing the cause and successful treatment for the plague of illnesses affecting western civilization; including obesity, heart attacks, depression, diabetes, strokes, headaches, chronic fatigue, and many more. In Dr. Starr's description Type 2 Hypothyroidism, he presents overwhelming evidence showing a majority of Americans suffer this illness, which is due to environmental and hereditary factors. Laboratory testing used to diagnose hypothyroidism is completely inadequate, and current treatment for hypothyroidism is ineffective. Groundbreaking research shows how persistent environmental toxins prevent thyroid and other hormones from working properly. This book will lead you to understanding more about your health than anything you have ever read."

Hvis dette stemmer er isåfall en vesentlig del av vestlig sivilisasjon i fare for å bli, om de ikke allerede er, syke.. Bare tiden vil vise om alt dette stemmer! Det var jo bla. på grunnlag av disse tingene at jeg ble behandlet med Levaxin en gang for 12 år siden.